Image result for solidarity

     In the movement and concern for justice, solidarity works best. In times of war solidarity makes the optimum mechanism on working for freedom. Solidarity is what we called respect to each other's different needs, and we must understand that solidarity won't work when we attempt to coerce, and inflict the guits upon each other.
     In ninth month of the year, we celebrate the World Heritage Cities Solidarity Cultural Festival. The said festival aims to show the simple way of life. We usually celebrate solidarity through the formulation of various entertainment, one is the zarzuela, and for this year's zarzuela it is entitles "Tres Patrimonio." This special day commemorates a week-long festivities that aims to strengthen pride in the history of Vigan as well as its culture. Vigan 630 heritage structures that were build up back at the 18th and 19th century that we all want them to keep with long life term goal of preserving. Rezzo de Vigan, is a parde that is participated by all the 39 Barangays of Vigan. They patronizes the Bigeños' way of a life from Spanish time up to designated parade route that also couples or accompanied with music.
     Solidarity is really important, why? because by this activity of our own locality we can learn a lot of thingts much more on the culture of Vigan. Thus, it is also a great way of communication and to be embraced to the simple way of life before even the tragic scenarios in life of the olds. By solidarity also they succedto be free, as one.

photo crdt: https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fmiro.medium.com%2Fmax%2F600%2F1*wnVze1Tar1ieoOiGWG6byQ.jpeg&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fmedium.com%2Fgender-theory%2Fbeing-an-ally-and-encouraging-solidarity-4a236211b114&docid=goWCv-kh1yw_NM&tbnid=DsW-WvtQxKWOaM%3A&vet=10ahUKEwiY1vPo9bjkAhXjGaYKHbIgAGoQMwh_KAUwBQ..i&w=600&h=338&bih=657&biw=1366&q=solidarity&ved=0ahUKEwiY1vPo9bjkAhXjGaYKHbIgAGoQMwh_KAUwBQ&iact=mrc&uact=8


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