Image result for president rodrigo duterte official portrait
Jen Hazel Llanes
Don Dimas Querbin, Caoayan, Ilocos Sur

June 11, 2019

Mr. Rodrigo Duterte
President of the Philippines

Mr. Rodrigo Duterte:
I would like to congratulate you for all the successful projects you’ve done. You made the Boracay beach clean again, and also the Manila Bay. For the last three years of your service of being the president of the Philippines, you never failed to amaze us, just like when you implemented the Oplan: Tokhang to lessen the drug crimes, and other crimes in our country. Some of  Filipinos are not in line with this idea but it helped our country a lot to become better. You may not be the best president but still able to make this country, Philippines, better and higher. The one thing I don’t like about is the use of rude/ cursed words when you are speaking infront of thousands of people, please avoid this mannerism so that all of us will respect and it will be more formal if we use the right polite words right Mr. President?
Now that I stated all my admirations towards your administration, I would like to extend my suggestions to your future projects. As a student I witnessed the behavior of my fellow students wherein specially to the one who is addicted to online games. Please make an implementation on stopping the students who use their phone for not educational purposes inside the school, or during school hours. And if you would like, just distribute e-books to avoid this problem.
And for my last words to you Mr. President,  all in all thank you for what you’ve done great for our country, please continue on what you are doing good right now. May the God bless you always.


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