Language has an important role in our life especially in communicating with others. Languages also depicts the culture of a place or the culture that the speaker posses in his or her surrounding. Language is the heart of communication and speaking is just the heartbeat. In our birth there is a partucular language that we will be using throughout our lives, our native language or what we also call indigenous language but nowadays I observed that the youths are not already using their native language. Thay are being infected with foreign language which will make them slowly forget their native languages.
     Indigenous languages should be alive all the time, imagine our ancestors finding or searching for the right word just to express their selves because before they cannot in the matter of not having any language but yoday these languages are already being buried to the ground and not thinking about the contributions of our ancestors to make our communication easier. The United Nations' purpose this year is to solve this problem by letting us know that we need to maintain the life of our indigenous languages. I think indigenous languages are still the best for communicating to our fellows.


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