A lot of knowledge were entrusted to my mind. Being good at managing at my time really helped me to not cram on my schedules and deadlines of projects, activities or school requirments. Lifting my head and staying positive succor me to stand out and be with the flow of every group. Giving up is always trying to seduce me but going strong always win. Looking forward to positive thoughts and descisions availed me to start up and stand strong. Learning new things and learning from mistakes made my knowledge get wider and my thinking skills become wiser.

     Some of my works may not be perfect but I know I've done my best and that is what matters the most. Low grades maybe on the way but as long as I will pass will still be my greatest contentment. I've done so many mistakes and that sucks so it made my life be miserable. Stucked on the bottom and be castigated by my negative side, leaves me lonely and sad. Losing hope for becoming one of the recognized students is one of my stressor and make me choked by my anxiety because of this fact.

     I able to overcome these challenges because of asking guidance and blessing to our God. One is also being positive always, not thinking the bad side of a situation but looking forward for the good results of any challenges on the way. Advice of parents also helped me to overcome these challenges. And the last thing is to believe in myself that I can do all these with the help of our loving God.

     Moving on,  next time I won't rush into anything but I will devote my time to do what needs to be done, it may not be perfect but good. I also need to be optimistic so that I don't have to worry about future events. I must learn to become accustomed to all things because the responsibility that I will face will be increasingly difficult.


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